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1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#2
mob_40_401006 12 Even monsters get tired of chasing you eventually... 2
2 mob_40_401005 15 Make sure to put away your weapon if you're gonna run away! 3 1
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#4
mob_40_401011 12 I've heard that defeated monsters drop money and items! 2
4 mob_40_401012 15 Don't they also drop HP Potions when you Topple them and stuff? 3 3
5 mob_40_101015 12 Did you know Driver Arts can have extra effects sometimes? 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#7
mob_40_101001 12 First you gotta Break the enemy! Then you can Topple 'em! 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#8
mob_40_101002 15 I see, I see... And what does that do? 2 6
8 mob_40_101001 15 Toppled foes are easy targets. You won't miss a single attack! 3 7
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#10
mob_40_101030 12 Driver Combos won't always work against some enemies... And some other ones are completely immune! 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#11
mob_40_101031 15 Wow... They must be pretty tough cookies. 2 9
11 mob_40_101030 15 'Course, we don't have to worry about that since we're not Drivers! 3 10
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#13
mob_40_101032 12 If you approach a monster from behind, it won't even notice you're there! 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#14
mob_40_101033 15 Um, they're not ALL that oblivious. I should know - I tried to sneak up on a wily one the other day! 3 12
14 mob_40_101032 15 And it actually spotted you? Huh... I guess you can never be too careful. 3 13
15 mob_40_101011 12 Some enemies will only block attacks from certain directions, like the front or the side. 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#17
mob_40_101003 12 I heard there are some monsters that'll power up their allies! 2
17 mob_40_101004 15 Sounds like a pain. Probably best to take those ones out first! 3 16
18 mob_40_001094 12 3189 Traveling to Auresco is big pain in bum-bum. If only could take break at Peln on way! 3
19 mob_40_001094 12 3190 Traveling to Auresco much easier these days! Can rest up at Peln before last leg of journey! 3
20 mob_40_001094 12 3191 Me heard it was Lora that chased off nasty Gogols at Peln! Many thanks! 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#22
mob_40_001089 12 3192 It's such a pain trying to work when the lantern’s broken... 2
22 mob_40_001090 15 3192 Yeah, I wish someone would fix that thing up already. 3 21
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#24
mob_40_001089 12 3193 The lantern's back in working order! Ah, it's so much easier to work with a little illumination. 2
24 mob_40_001090 15 3193 Yeah, I heard some guy called Chalcedony organized the repairs. We owe that dude big time! 3 23
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#26
mob_40_001089 12 3194 Did you hear? Apparently it was a Knight of Torna, Lady Lora herself, who fixed up the lanterns! 2
26 mob_40_001090 15 3194 Yeah, it sounds like she's been busy all over the place... 3 25
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#28
mob_40_001050 12 3195 Meh-meh... Cloth merchant Obibi seem down in the dumps lately... 2
28 mob_40_001051 15 3195 Probably because she not popular with Nopon customers. Must be big struggle to make money! 3 27
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#30
mob_40_001050_1 12 3196 This hat so stylish! No wonder it all the rage! 2
30 mob_40_001051_1 15 3196 Obibi seem much happier lately too! 3 29
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#32
mob_40_001050_1 12 3197 Me heard stylish hat was actually idea of recently knighted Lora lady. 2
32 mob_40_001051_1 15 3197 Wowee! Knight and fashion guru... So multi-talented! 3 31
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#34
mob_40_001111 12 3198 That handyman Gio is pretty incredible. He'll take on any task at no charge! 2
34 mob_40_001112 15 3198 Really? Wow. Maybe I'll hit him up next time I need a helping hand. 3 33
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#36
mob_40_001111 12 3199 That handyman, Gio, he's great and all, but he's kind of old hat. It's all about Lady Lora nowadays. 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#37
mob_40_001112 15 3199 And how! She and Lord Addam are always ready to offer a helping hand to anyone in need! 3 35
37 mob_40_001111 15 3199 It can't be easy to help out so many people. I could never do it myself! 3 36
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#39
mob_40_101019 12 3200 So Brogyn and his crew brought all this food from the capital, eh? 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#40
mob_40_101020 15 3200 That's right - apparently Master Addam organized the whole thing! 2 38
40 mob_40_101019 15 3200 Well I never! That man really is the kindest in all the realm. 3 39
41 mob_40_001160 12 3206 The city of Auresco is always such a peaceful place. 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#43
mob_40_001160 12 3201 I would hate to have to leave this fine city behind... 2
43 mob_40_001161 15 3201 True enough. I only hope we can find safe shelter within the city bounds... 3 42
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#45
mob_40_001160 12 3202 I hear a shelter has been built beneath Spefan Inn! Now we should all be safe. 3
45 mob_40_001161 15 3202 And it's all thanks to Lady Lora! We owe her so much. 3 44
46 mob_40_001127 12 3206 You'd best get those materials delivered posthaste, or you'll be in for an earful from Wayton! 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#48
mob_40_001128 12 3203 Aren't you going to evacuate along with everyone else? 2
48 mob_40_001127 15 3203 Evacuate? Me? Hah! I don't care if every other coward abandons this place, I'm not budging! 3 47
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#50
mob_40_001127 12 3204 I hear young Aquin built a fine Titan vessel! Now we can easily evacuate when things get rough! 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#51
mob_40_001128 15 3204 Uh, weren't you saying you wouldn't budge even if everyone else left? 2 49
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#52
mob_40_001127 15 3204 Well, yes...but Lady Lora and Lord Addam personally supported this effort. Who am I to turn down their goodwill? 2 50
52 mob_40_001128 15 3204 ...Well, I'm glad you came around. 3 51
53 mob_40_001186 12 3206 Why can't we play in the gardens any more? This is no fun... 3
54 mob_40_001186 12 3205 Oh! Lady Lora! Thank you for fixing up the gardens! 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#56
mob_40_001221 12 3206 The view from here is immaculate, don't you think? 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#57
mob_40_001220 15 3206 Sure, but, uh...should you even be here? Don't you have work to do? 2 55
57 mob_40_001221 15 3206 I'll have you know, inspecting the view is a very important part of my job! 3 56
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#59
mob_40_001220 12 3205 It's so wonderful to be able to look out upon this view once again. 2
59 mob_40_001221 15 3205 Indeed - and all thanks to the hard work of Bry and Kaym. 3 58
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#61
mob_40_001192 12 3206 This place is like paradise... 2
61 mob_40_001193 15 3206 That's all down to Bry the gardener. He's a talented one, all right! 3 60
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#63
mob_40_001192 12 3207 This used to be such a beautiful garden... 2
63 mob_40_001193 15 3207 That Aegis has a lot to answer for. 3 62
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#65
mob_40_001192 12 3208 It's so good to see Sachsum Gardens looking beautiful again. 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#66
mob_40_001193 15 3208 Well, with Lady Lora and Lord Addam on the job, it was only a matter of time! 3 64
66 mob_40_001192 15 3208 ...Why do YOU look so proud of THEIR good work? 3 65
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#68
mob_40_001222 12 3209 Remember, stay out of the alleyways. You can run into some real shady Nopon back there. 2
68 mob_40_001134 15 3209 I know! My mum's always telling me to watch out for them. 3 67
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#70
mob_40_001222 12 3210 Those Nopon in the back alleys are hardcore criminals. They throw litter on the streets and stuff! 2
70 mob_40_001134 15 3210 Yeah, my mum told me all about it... I'd be so scared if I ever ran into them! 3 69
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#72
mob_40_001222 12 3424 Hey, I heard nobody's seen those dodgy Nopon in the alleyways lately. 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#73
mob_40_001134 15 3424 Awesome! We can finally go play hide and seek back there! 2 71
73 mob_40_001222 15 3424 W-wow, playing in the back alleys? That sounds so...rebellious! 3 72
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#75
mob_40_001008 12 3206 I love Tornan Trout. It's tasty AND cheap! 2
75 mob_40_001009 15 3206 That's 'cause they breed them so efficiently. I prefer the taste of Amber Sweetfish myself, though. 3 74
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#77
mob_40_001008 12 3211 I heard the farm's whole shoal of Tornan Trout was wiped out in the attack... 2
77 mob_40_001009 15 3211 Oh, how awful... D'you think that means we'll be seeing price hikes? 3 76
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#79
mob_40_001008 12 3212 Thanks to Lady Lora and Lord Addam, the fish farm is up and running again! 2
79 mob_40_001009 15 3212 Well, that's a relief! I thought Tyler's whole business was going to go under. 3 78
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#81
mob_40_001143 12 3213 Terribly sorry, but we're all out of Armus right now. 2
81 mob_40_001049 15 3213 Dear me, that's quite the pickle... 3 80
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#83
mob_40_001143 12 3214 The Armus came back! Young Joey sorted everything out, the fine lad! 2
83 mob_40_001049 15 3214 Well, that's good to hear. I'd never be able to deliver my luggage without them! 3 82
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#85
mob_40_001154 12 3206 Where's Formide Shopping Ward again? I need to buy some accessories... 2
85 mob_40_001155 15 3206 Right behind you, you numpty! Honestly, I swear you could get lost in your own living room... 3 84
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#87
mob_40_001154 12 3203 D'you think we should get out of the capital? I mean, what if the Aegis comes back for more...? 2
87 mob_40_001155 15 3203 Don't worry, I'm sure Lord Addam can handle that nasty Aegis. 3 86
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#89
mob_40_001154 12 3204 Apparently we're all going to be able to evacuate on that Titan ship Aquin built! 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#90
mob_40_001155 15 3204 Well, isn't that nice for you! Not that I'm going anywhere. 2 88
90 mob_40_001154 15 3204 What?! Please, you have to come too! 3 89
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#92
mob_40_001211 12 3195 Me want to be more fashionable! 2
92 mob_40_001210 15 3195 Meh, no use standing round and complain. Best go down to Formide Shopping Ward. 3 91
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#94
mob_40_001211_1 12 3215 This hat is pinnacle of fashion! 2
94 mob_40_001210_1 15 3215 Shop of Obibi seem very popular lately! 3 93
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#96
mob_40_001054 12 3206 Today's the day we settle this, bro. Once and for all! 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#97
mob_40_001053 15 3206 We'll see! 2 95
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#98
mob_40_001119 15 3206 You can do it, big bro! Don't give up, other big bro! 2 96
98 mob_40_001117 15 3206 Those brothers are always going at it, day in, day out... Don't they ever get bored of this nonsense? 3 97
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#100
mob_40_002054 12 3662 When the town was under attack, you turned tail and ran away! You're such an embarrassment! 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#101
mob_40_002053 15 3662 Grrr... I... I know... 2 99
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#102
mob_40_002120 15 3662 Hey, I thought I saw you running too! 3 100
102 mob_40_002118 15 3662 Only Prince Addam's lot had the guts to stand and fight! 3 101
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#104
mob_40_003054 12 3408 C'mon, can we please stop bickering? We should be joining forces, like brothers are meant to do! 2
104 mob_40_003053 15 3408 Guess you've got a point... Yeah, OK! Let's join forces, and kick that Aegis's butt! 3 103
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#106
mob_40_001151 12 3216 You guys...don't you think that's kind of dangerous?! 2
106 mob_40_001150 15 3216 Nah, we'll be fine! Besides, this is the perfect spot for keeping lookout! 3 105
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#108
mob_40_001151 12 3708 Lady Lora! You chased off those Gogols at the main gate, didn't you? 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#109
mob_40_001150 15 3708 I was only watching from a distance, but you looked so...gallant! 2 107
109 mob_40_001151 15 3708 I know, right?! Man, I'd love to become a Driver too someday! 3 108
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#111
mob_40_001151 12 3406 Lady Lora! You're going to defeat that nasty Aegis for us, right?! 2
111 mob_40_001150 15 3406 I hope you know we're all cheering you on! 3 110
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#113
mob_40_001183 12 3206 A Gormotti and an Urayan? That's an unusual pairing if ever I saw one. 2
113 mob_40_001182 15 3206 Ah, the sweet sound of Torigonda music... 3 112
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#115
mob_40_001035 12 3705 It's a great performance to be sure! 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#116
mob_40_001036 15 3705 They're just the coolest! 2 114
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#117
mob_40_001182 15 3705 I'm so glad these guys were around when the Aegis attacked. 2 115
117 mob_40_001183 15 3705 The resounding tones of the Tornan Viella gave us courage when all seemed lost! 3 116
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#119
mob_40_001182 12 3799 Don't you think Leo's been playing his Tornan Viella with a renewed vigour lately? 2
119 mob_40_001183 15 3799 I heard he had a spot of good fortune. 3 118
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#121
mob_40_001182 12 3410 With the addition of Rikoko's flute, these performances have become more remarkable than ever. 2
121 mob_40_001183 15 3410 Yes, that young Nopon really brings a certain...gleeful energy to the mix! 3 120
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#123
mob_40_001158 12 3723 Lady Loraaaa! 2
123 mob_40_001159 15 3723 Sorry about her, Lady Lora. She really looks up to you, you know. 3 122
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#125
mob_40_001158 12 3407 Lady Lora! After you defeat the Aegis, I hope you'll regale us with tales of your gallant efforts! 3
125 mob_40_001159 15 3407 My lieges... Though I am but an old man, I humbly beg of you to protect our future, for this child's sake. 3 124
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#127
mob_40_001147 12 3723 Oh! It's Lady Lora! 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#128
mob_40_001148 15 3723 I see Lord Addam and Lord Hugo, too! 2 126
128 mob_40_001149 15 3723 Me go play with friends! 3 127
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#130
mob_40_001147 12 3407 Are things really going to be OK? Do you think we'll really survive...? 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#131
mob_40_001148 15 3407'll be fine! 2 129
131 mob_40_001149 15 3407 Yes-yes! Friends beat up nasty people like bish-bash-bosh! 3 130
132 mob_40_001174 12 3216 Roll up, roll up! Get your steaming-hot buns here! 3
133 mob_40_001174 15 3425 Ah, Lord Addam! Would you care for a taste? 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#135
mob_40_001174 12 3426 Lady Lora! Would you and your friends care for a bite to eat? 2
135 mob_40_001174 15 3427 Lord Jin, you simply must share one of your famous recipes with me! 3 134
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#137
mob_40_001164 12 3216 Oh, whichever should I buy? Choosing accessories is so hard... 2
137 mob_40_001165 15 3216 How about a Promise Ring? 3 136
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#139
mob_40_001164 12 3723 If only I had stronger accessories, I could've beaten up that Aegis's minions no problem... 2
139 mob_40_001165 15 3723 Um, I don't think accessories make THAT much difference. You'd need stronger weapons and Blades too. 3 138
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#141
mob_40_001164 12 3407 I must equip the very best accessories to keep myself well-protected... 2
141 mob_40_001165 15 3407 Are you sure you want to buy them here, then? It might be better to defeat enemies and get them that way... 3 140
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#143
mob_40_001167 12 3216 Aww, they haven't got any Platinum Shrooms... 2
143 mob_40_001007 15 3216 Those things aren't easy to get hold of. With their divine scent and incredible texture, it's no wonder they're a rarity. 3 142
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#145
mob_40_001167 12 3425 If you're ever in a bind, you're more likely to find good help from Gio or Lora than from the army. 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#146
mob_40_001007 15 3425 They're lifesavers, for sure. But we can't just rely on them for everything! 2 144
146 mob_40_001167 15 3425 True enough. Sometimes you've gotta sort out your own problems! 3 145
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#148
mob_40_001167 12 3406 Hey...what do you think's going to happen to Torna now? 2
148 mob_40_001007 15 3406 It's difficult to say... But I think we should trust in Lord Addam. He'll find a way, I know it. 3 147
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#150
mob_40_001013 6 3216 This inn's so lovely, isn't it? 2
150 mob_40_001055 6 3216 Yes, the atmosphere here is so different from back home. Very relaxing. 3 149
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#152
mob_40_001013 6 3425 D'you reckon we ought to think about heading back home? 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#153
mob_40_001055 6 3425 I doubt we could do that even if we wanted to. All the Titan ships are fully booked lately. 2 151
153 mob_40_001013 6 3425 Wow, that's pretty awkward... 3 152
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#155
mob_40_001013 6 3406 Well, we never did manage to catch a ship back home. But maybe that's for the best. 2
155 mob_40_001055 10 3406 Yeah, I have grown pretty fond of this place. And I'm sure that wonderful prince will sort everything out! 3 154
156 mob_40_001026 12 3206 You need to focus more! 3
157 mob_40_001026 12 3662 At this rate, the Aegis's Artifices will make short work of you! 3
158 mob_40_001026 12 3408 We're going to protect Torna's future with our own hands! 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#160
mob_40_001188 12 3206 Let's go eat some of Café Amicus's famous specialty! 2
160 mob_40_001189 15 3206 Really? I'm not that hungry yet... 3 159
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#162
mob_40_001188 12 3662 We should probably head home soon. 2
162 mob_40_001189 15 3662 I don't want to be in a confined space! It makes me scared those things will come back and I'll be trapped inside! 3 161
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#164
mob_40_001188 12 3408 Now, once Lord Addam and the others start fighting, you run to the inn and hide on the lower level, OK? 2
164 mob_40_001189 15 3408 D'you think it'll hold up? I'm a bit scared... 3 163
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#166
mob_40_001020 12 3206 Haven't you been reading long enough? Let's do something else already! 2
166 mob_40_001019 15 3206 Sure, once I get to the end of the Tale of Blue Barney... 3 165
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#168
mob_40_001020 12 3662 C'mon, cheer up. I know all that ruckus was scary, but we can't let it break our spirits! 3
168 mob_40_001019 15 3662 I'm researching the legend of Elysium. It might hold some hints as to why this place was attacked... 3 167
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#170
mob_40_001020 12 3408 Let's head to Formide Shopping Ward! I heard the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce is giving out free food! 3
170 mob_40_001019 15 3408 Let me finish jotting down all my observations about Lady Lora first... 3 169
171 mob_40_001043 12 3206 Is this the full shipment for today? 3
172 mob_40_001043 12 3662 The damage wasn't too bad around these parts. We were pretty lucky... 3
173 mob_40_001043 12 3408 Gotta make sure we have plenty of supplies to distribute, just in case worst comes to worst... 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#175
mob_40_001157 12 3269 Looks like Median Gate is still closed... 2
175 mob_40_001156 15 3269 Guess we'll have to go round through Formide Shopping Ward if we want to reach the palace... 3 174
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#177
mob_40_001131 12 3206 Have you considered joining the army? It's a great honor to fight for Torna! 2
177 mob_40_001130 15 3206 Why are you being so pushy? The capital is at peace, do we really need a big army? 3 176
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#179
mob_40_001131 12 3662 Have you considered joining the army? Join us and take revenge on the brigands who attacked our fine capital! 2
179 mob_40_001130 15 3662 I think I'll pass. I'm no Driver, I'd just wind up dying a fool's death. 3 178
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#181
mob_40_001131 12 3408 Have you considered joining the- 1
181 mob_40_001130 15 3408 Sure, I'll lend you my strength. I want to pitch in to do something for my homeland. 3 180
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#183
mob_40_001206 12 3411 The world's a dangerous place lately... I heard a pack of Gogols almost made it into the city gates! 3
183 mob_40_001207 15 3411 Oh yeah, but Lady Lora drove them off, right? She's pretty amazing... 3 182
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#185
mob_40_001021 12 3412 I heard Tarres the master glassmaker passed away... 2
185 mob_40_001022 15 3412 That's awful... I don't think he ever passed his skills on, so they might be lost to the world forever... 3 184
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#187
mob_40_001021 12 3413 Hey, did you see the glasswork young Charlet made? 2
187 mob_40_001022 15 3413 Indeed. She may not be up to Tarres's level yet, but she's full of potential! 3 186
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#189
mob_40_001190 12 3409 Hey, did you see Sarah's new boyfriend? 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#190
mob_40_001191 15 3409 Oh, yeah! Isn't he just the coolest?! 2 188
190 mob_40_001190 15 3409 ...Seriously? 3 189
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#192
mob_40_001037 12 3414 I haven't seen Mireille around lately. Do you know what she's been up to? 2
192 mob_40_001038 15 3414 Apparently she got back together with her ex-husband. They're starting up a pottery business in Hyber Village. 3 191
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#194
mob_40_004001 12 3415 Ahh, it was so good to be able to eat Tricolor Acqua Pazza again... 2
194 mob_40_004002 15 3415 All thanks to Lord Addam and that passionate Ardainian. 3 193
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#196
mob_40_001003 12 3415 Me hear Lord Addam organize cooking contest. Was very successful! 2
196 mob_40_001004 15 3415 Me suggest to Chairman we organize even bigger event in Formide Shopping Ward. Sound like big profit opportunity! 3 195
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#198
mob_40_001135 12 3416 Ah, you'll want to ask Jerry about that. You can find him down below. 2
198 mob_40_001137 15 3416 J-Jerry? Are you sure? I guess he has mellowed out a bit lately... 3 197
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#200
mob_40_001200 12 3417 Palva and Dudan were looking awfully pleased with themselves... You don't think they really found a stash of gold? 3
200 mob_40_001201 15 3417 Oh, those two are always like that. I'm sure their mad scheme was a dud, just like usual. 3 199
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#202
mob_40_001200 12 3418 That Palva seems to be doing awfully well for herself lately... 2
202 mob_40_001201 15 3418 Rumor has it she dug up a legendary stash of gold in the Dannagh Desert. I guess dreams really can come true... 3 201
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#204
mob_40_001125 12 3419 That's the palace - Aureus Palace! 2
204 mob_40_001126 15 3419 Wow, it's so...tall! How many floors d'you think it's got? 3 203
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#206
mob_40_001012 5 3419 So tell me...did the Chamber of Commerce Chairman turn out to be a rotter? 2
206 mob_40_001121 7 3419 No, he was just working himself too hard. Looks like he's going to tone it down a little from now on. 3 205
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#208
mob_40_004003 12 3420 I heard a Titan visited the Shopping Ward the other day and bought a veritable mountain of meat and fish! 2
208 mob_40_004004 15 3420 I guess with a body that big, you'd need to have a big appetite... 3 207
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#210
mob_40_101027 12 3421 Life's been tough for all of us lately, but I'm glad things worked out for Hedwyn at least. 3
210 mob_40_101028 15 3421 I quite agree. Seeing Kali and Kelly so happy has brought joy to us all! 3 209
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#212
mob_40_101027 12 3422 I feel so...useless right now. When this place was attacked by monsters, we couldn't do a thing. 3
212 mob_40_101028 15 3422 If we want to contribute, we'll just have to become incredible Drivers like Lord Addam and Lord Hugo! 3 211
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#214
mob_40_101005 12 3423 So we made it to Aletta, but we're kind of short on manpower. 2
214 mob_40_101006 15 3423 Still, Lord Addam's retainers are doing everything they can to help. We'll just have to work with what we've got. 3 213
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#216
mob_40_101005 12 3424 Six whole new recruits! Thanks to Lord Addam and the Lieutenant, our manpower woes are as good as solved! 3
216 mob_40_101006 15 3424 Though those four young Nopon are more like a quarter of a recruit each. 3 215
217 mob_40_101010 12 3422 We could learn a lot from the way Lady Lora fights. Passing weapons between Driver and Blade...most intriguing! 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#219
mob_40_101014 12 3216 This is Lord Addam's domain, so it's far safer here than in Uraya. 2
219 mob_40_101013 15 3216 Yeah... We can finally get some proper rest, right, Mama? 3 218
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#221
mob_40_101014 12 3723 I want you to grow up nice and strong like Lady Lora, Lady Haze and Lady Brighid. 2
221 mob_40_101013 15 3723 What about Lady Mythra? Can't I be like her instead? 3 220
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#223
mob_40_101014 12 3407 Ah, Lord Addam and company! Good luck out there! 2
223 mob_40_101013 15 3407 We're counting on you to bring peace to Alrest! 3 222
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#225
mob_40_101026 12 3216 Should we not be accompanying Lord Hugo as well? 2
225 mob_40_101025 15 3216 We're in Torna now - they don't want too many Ardainian soldiers roaming about. Let's just stick to our stations. 3 224
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#227
mob_40_101026 12 3723 I haven't seen the Special Inquisitor around lately...what's he up to? 2
227 mob_40_101025 15 3723 Accompanying Lord Hugo, perhaps? Personally, I'd feel safer with him back in Mor Ardain. He's nothing but trouble. 3 226
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#229
mob_40_101026 12 3407 Word of Lord Hugo's brilliant feats has reached far and wide! 2
229 mob_40_101025 15 3407 I feel such pride. I only wish he would allow us to accompany him! 3 228
230 mob_40_002094 12 3189 Traveling to Auresco is big pain in bum-bum. If only could take break at Peln on way! 3
231 mob_40_002094 12 3190 Traveling to Auresco much easier these days! Can rest up at Peln before last leg of journey! 3
232 mob_40_002094 12 3191 Me heard it was Lora that chased off nasty Gogols at Peln! Many thanks! 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#234
mob_40_002089 12 3192 It's such a pain trying to work when the lantern’s broken... 2
234 mob_40_002090 15 3192 Yeah, I wish someone would fix that thing up already. 3 233
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#236
mob_40_002089 12 3193 The lantern's back in working order! Ah, it's so much easier to work with a little illumination. 2
236 mob_40_002090 15 3193 Yeah, I heard some guy called Chalcedony organized the repairs. We owe that dude big time! 3 235
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#238
mob_40_002089 12 3194 Did you hear? Apparently it was a Knight of Torna, Lady Lora herself, who fixed up the lanterns! 2
238 mob_40_002090 15 3194 Yeah, it sounds like she's been busy all over the place... 3 237
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#240
mob_40_002050 12 3195 Meh-meh... Cloth merchant Obibi seem down in the dumps lately... 2
240 mob_40_002051 15 3195 Probably because she not popular with Nopon customers. Must be big struggle to make money! 3 239
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#242
mob_40_002050_1 12 3196 This hat so stylish! No wonder it all the rage! 2
242 mob_40_002051_1 15 3196 Obibi seem much happier lately too! 3 241
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#244
mob_40_002050_1 12 3197 Me heard stylish hat was actually idea of recently knighted Lora lady. 2
244 mob_40_002051_1 15 3197 Wowee! Knight and fashion guru... So multi-talented! 3 243
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#246
mob_40_002111 12 3198 That handyman Gio is pretty incredible. He'll take on any task at no charge! 2
246 mob_40_002112 15 3198 Really? Wow. Maybe I'll hit him up next time I need a helping hand. 3 245
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#248
mob_40_002111 12 3199 That handyman, Gio, he's great and all, but he's kind of old hat. It's all about Lady Lora nowadays. 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#249
mob_40_002112 15 3199 And how! She and Lord Addam are always ready to offer a helping hand to anyone in need! 3 247
249 mob_40_002111 15 3199 It can't be easy to help out so many people. I could never do it myself! 3 248
250 mob_40_002160 12 3206 The city of Auresco is always such a peaceful place. 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#252
mob_40_002160 12 3201 I would hate to have to leave this fine city behind... 2
252 mob_40_002161 15 3201 True enough. I only hope we can find safe shelter within the city bounds... 3 251
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#254
mob_40_002160 12 3202 I hear a shelter has been built beneath Spefan Inn! Now we should all be safe. 3
254 mob_40_002161 15 3202 And it's all thanks to Lady Lora! We owe her so much. 3 253
255 mob_40_002127 12 3206 You'd best get those materials delivered posthaste, or you'll be in for an earful from Wayton! 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#257
mob_40_002128 12 3203 Aren't you going to evacuate along with everyone else? 2
257 mob_40_002127 15 3203 Evacuate? Me? Hah! I don't care if every other coward abandons this place, I'm not budging! 3 256
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#259
mob_40_002127 12 3204 I hear young Aquin built a fine Titan vessel! Now we can easily evacuate when things get rough! 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#260
mob_40_002128 15 3204 Uh, weren't you saying you wouldn't budge even if everyone else left? 2 258
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#261
mob_40_002127 15 3204 Well, yes...but Lady Lora and Lord Addam personally supported this effort. Who am I to turn down their goodwill? 2 259
261 mob_40_002128 15 3204 ...Well, I'm glad you came around. 3 260
262 mob_40_002186 12 3206 Why can't we play in the gardens any more? This is no fun... 3
263 mob_40_002186 12 3205 Oh! Lady Lora! Thank you for fixing up the gardens! 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#265
mob_40_002221 12 3206 The view from here is immaculate, don't you think? 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#266
mob_40_002220 15 3206 Sure, but, uh...should you even be here? Don't you have work to do? 2 264
266 mob_40_002221 15 3206 I'll have you know, inspecting the view is a very important part of my job! 3 265
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#268
mob_40_002220 12 3205 It's so wonderful to be able to look out upon this view once again. 2
268 mob_40_002221 15 3205 Indeed - and all thanks to the hard work of Bry and Kaym. 3 267
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#270
mob_40_002192 12 3206 This place is like paradise... 2
270 mob_40_002193 15 3206 That's all down to Bry the gardener. He's a talented one, all right! 3 269
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#272
mob_40_002192 12 3207 This used to be such a beautiful garden... 2
272 mob_40_002193 15 3207 That Aegis has a lot to answer for. 3 271
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#274
mob_40_002192 12 3208 It's so good to see Sachsum Gardens looking beautiful again. 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#275
mob_40_002193 15 3208 Well, with Lady Lora and Lord Addam on the job, it was only a matter of time! 3 273
275 mob_40_002192 15 3208 ...Why do YOU look so proud of THEIR good work? 3 274
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#277
mob_40_002222 12 3209 Remember, stay out of the alleyways. You can run into some real shady Nopon back there. 2
277 mob_40_002134 15 3209 I know! My mum's always telling me to watch out for them. 3 276
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#279
mob_40_002222 12 3210 Those Nopon in the back alleys are hardcore criminals. They throw litter on the streets and stuff! 2
279 mob_40_002134 15 3210 Yeah, my mum told me all about it... I'd be so scared if I ever ran into them! 3 278
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#281
mob_40_002222 12 3424 Hey, I heard nobody's seen those dodgy Nopon in the alleyways lately. 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#282
mob_40_002134 15 3424 Awesome! We can finally go play hide and seek back there! 2 280
282 mob_40_002222 15 3424 W-wow, playing in the back alleys? That sounds so...rebellious! 3 281
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#284
mob_40_002008 12 3206 I love Tornan Trout. It's tasty AND cheap! 2
284 mob_40_002009 15 3206 That's 'cause they breed them so efficiently. I prefer the taste of Amber Sweetfish myself, though. 3 283
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#286
mob_40_002008 12 3211 I heard the farm's whole shoal of Tornan Trout was wiped out in the attack... 2
286 mob_40_002009 15 3211 Oh, how awful... D'you think that means we'll be seeing price hikes? 3 285
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#288
mob_40_002008 12 3212 Thanks to Lady Lora and Lord Addam, the fish farm is up and running again! 2
288 mob_40_002009 15 3212 Well, that's a relief! I thought Tyler's whole business was going to go under. 3 287
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#290
mob_40_002143 12 3213 Terribly sorry, but we're all out of Armus right now. 2
290 mob_40_002049 15 3213 Dear me, that's quite the pickle... 3 289
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#292
mob_40_002143 12 3214 The Armus came back! Young Joey sorted everything out, the fine lad! 2
292 mob_40_002049 15 3214 Well, that's good to hear. I'd never be able to deliver my luggage without them! 3 291
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#294
mob_40_002154 12 3206 Where's Formide Shopping Ward again? I need to buy some accessories... 2
294 mob_40_002155 15 3206 Right behind you, you numpty! Honestly, I swear you could get lost in your own living room... 3 293
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#296
mob_40_002154 12 3203 D'you think we should get out of the capital? I mean, what if the Aegis comes back for more...? 2
296 mob_40_002155 15 3203 Don't worry, I'm sure Lord Addam can handle that nasty Aegis. 3 295
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#298
mob_40_002154 12 3204 Apparently we're all going to be able to evacuate on that Titan ship Aquin built! 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#299
mob_40_002155 15 3204 Well, isn't that nice for you! Not that I'm going anywhere. 2 297
299 mob_40_002154 15 3204 What?! Please, you have to come too! 3 298
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#301
mob_40_002211 12 3195 Me want to be more fashionable! 2
301 mob_40_002210 15 3195 Meh, no use standing round and complain. Best go down to Formide Shopping Ward. 3 300
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#303
mob_40_002211_1 12 3215 This hat is pinnacle of fashion! 2
303 mob_40_002210_1 15 3215 Shop of Obibi seem very popular lately! 3 302
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#305
mob_40_002151 12 3216 You guys...don't you think that's kind of dangerous?! 2
305 mob_40_002150 15 3216 Nah, we'll be fine! Besides, this is the perfect spot for keeping lookout! 3 304
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#307
mob_40_002151 12 3708 Lady Lora! You chased off those Gogols at the main gate, didn't you? 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#308
mob_40_002150 15 3708 I was only watching from a distance, but you looked so...gallant! 2 306
308 mob_40_002151 15 3708 I know, right?! Man, I'd love to become a Driver too someday! 3 307
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#310
mob_40_002151 12 3406 Lady Lora! You're going to defeat that nasty Aegis for us, right?! 2
310 mob_40_002150 15 3406 I hope you know we're all cheering you on! 3 309
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#312
mob_40_002183 12 3206 A Gormotti and an Urayan? That's an unusual pairing if ever I saw one. 2
312 mob_40_002182 15 3206 Ah, the sweet sound of Torigonda music... 3 311
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#314
mob_40_002035 12 3705 It's a great performance to be sure! 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#315
mob_40_002036 15 3705 They're just the coolest! 2 313
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#316
mob_40_002182 15 3705 I'm so glad these guys were around when the Aegis attacked. 2 314
316 mob_40_002183 15 3705 The resounding tones of the Tornan Viella gave us courage when all seemed lost! 3 315
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#318
mob_40_002182 12 3799 Don't you think Leo's been playing his Tornan Viella with a renewed vigour lately? 2
318 mob_40_002183 15 3799 I heard he had a spot of good fortune. 3 317
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#320
mob_40_002182 12 3410 With the addition of Rikoko's flute, these performances have become more remarkable than ever. 2
320 mob_40_002183 15 3410 Yes, that young Nopon really brings a certain...gleeful energy to the mix! 3 319
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#322
mob_40_002158 12 3723 Lady Loraaaa! 2
322 mob_40_002159 15 3723 Sorry about her, Lady Lora. She really looks up to you, you know. 3 321
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#324
mob_40_002158 12 3407 Lady Lora! After you defeat the Aegis, I hope you'll regale us with tales of your gallant efforts! 3
324 mob_40_002159 15 3407 My lieges... Though I am but an old man, I humbly beg of you to protect our future, for this child's sake. 3 323
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#326
mob_40_002147 12 3723 Oh! It's Lady Lora! 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#327
mob_40_002148 15 3723 I see Lord Addam and Lord Hugo, too! 2 325
327 mob_40_002149 15 3723 Me go play with friends! 3 326
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#329
mob_40_002147 12 3407 Are things really going to be OK? Do you think we'll really survive...? 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#330
mob_40_002148 15 3407'll be fine! 2 328
330 mob_40_002149 15 3407 Yes-yes! Friends beat up nasty people like bish-bash-bosh! 3 329
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#332
mob_40_002174 12 3216 Roll up, roll up! Get your steaming-hot buns here! 2
332 mob_40_002174 15 3425 Ah, Lord Addam! Would you care for a taste? 3 331
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#334
mob_40_002174 12 3426 Lady Lora! Would you and your friends care for a bite to eat? 2
334 mob_40_002174 15 3427 Lord Jin, you simply must share one of your famous recipes with me! 3 333
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#336
mob_40_002164 12 3216 Oh, whichever should I buy? Choosing accessories is so hard... 2
336 mob_40_002165 15 3216 How about a Promise Ring? 3 335
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#338
mob_40_002164 12 3723 If only I had stronger accessories, I could've beaten up that Aegis's minions no problem... 2
338 mob_40_002165 15 3723 Um, I don't think accessories make THAT much difference. You'd need stronger weapons and Blades too. 3 337
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#340
mob_40_002164 12 3407 I must equip the very best accessories to keep myself well-protected... 2
340 mob_40_002165 15 3407 Are you sure you want to buy them here, then? It might be better to defeat enemies and get them that way... 3 339
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#342
mob_40_002167 12 3216 Aww, they haven't got any Platinum Shrooms... 2
342 mob_40_002007 15 3216 Those things aren't easy to get hold of. With their divine scent and incredible texture, it's no wonder they're a rarity. 3 341
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#344
mob_40_002167 12 3425 If you're ever in a bind, you're more likely to find good help from Gio or Lora than from the army. 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#345
mob_40_002007 15 3425 They're lifesavers, for sure. But we can't just rely on them for everything! 2 343
345 mob_40_002167 15 3425 True enough. Sometimes you've gotta sort out your own problems! 3 344
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#347
mob_40_002167 12 3406 Hey...what do you think's going to happen to Torna now? 2
347 mob_40_002007 15 3406 It's difficult to say... But I think we should trust in Lord Addam. He'll find a way, I know it. 3 346
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#349
mob_40_002013 6 3216 This inn's so lovely, isn't it? 2
349 mob_40_002055 6 3216 Yes, the atmosphere here is so different from back home. Very relaxing. 3 348
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#351
mob_40_002013 6 3425 D'you reckon we ought to think about heading back home? 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#352
mob_40_002055 6 3425 I doubt we could do that even if we wanted to. All the Titan ships are fully booked lately. 2 350
352 mob_40_002013 6 3425 Wow, that's pretty awkward... 3 351
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#354
mob_40_002013 6 3406 Well, we never did manage to catch a ship back home. But maybe that's for the best. 2
354 mob_40_002055 10 3406 Yeah, I have grown pretty fond of this place. And I'm sure that wonderful prince will sort everything out! 3 353
355 mob_40_002026 12 3206 You need to focus more! 3
356 mob_40_002026 12 3662 At this rate, the Aegis's Artifices will make short work of you! 3
357 mob_40_002026 12 3408 We're going to protect Torna's future with our own hands! 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#359
mob_40_002188 12 3206 Let's go eat some of Café Amicus's famous specialty! 2
359 mob_40_002189 15 3206 Really? I'm not that hungry yet... 3 358
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#361
mob_40_002188 12 3662 We should probably head home soon. 2
361 mob_40_002189 15 3662 I don't want to be in a confined space! It makes me scared those things will come back and I'll be trapped inside! 3 360
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#363
mob_40_002188 12 3408 Now, once Lord Addam and the others start fighting, you run to the inn and hide on the lower level, OK? 2
363 mob_40_002189 15 3408 D'you think it'll hold up? I'm a bit scared... 3 362
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#365
mob_40_002020 12 3206 Haven't you been reading long enough? Let's do something else already! 2
365 mob_40_002019 15 3206 Sure, once I get to the end of the Tale of Blue Barney... 3 364
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#367
mob_40_002020 12 3662 C'mon, cheer up. I know all that ruckus was scary, but we can't let it break our spirits! 3
367 mob_40_002019 15 3662 I'm researching the legend of Elysium. It might hold some hints as to why this place was attacked... 3 366
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#369
mob_40_002020 12 3408 Let's head to Formide Shopping Ward! I heard the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce is giving out free food! 3
369 mob_40_002019 15 3408 Let me finish jotting down all my observations about Lady Lora first... 3 368
370 mob_40_002043 12 3206 Is this the full shipment for today? 3
371 mob_40_002043 12 3662 The damage wasn't too bad around these parts. We were pretty lucky... 3
372 mob_40_002043 12 3408 Gotta make sure we have plenty of supplies to distribute, just in case worst comes to worst... 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#374
mob_40_002157 12 3269 Looks like Median Gate is still closed... 2
374 mob_40_002156 15 3269 Guess we'll have to go round through Formide Shopping Ward if we want to reach the palace... 3 373
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#376
mob_40_002131 12 3206 Have you considered joining the army? It's a great honor to fight for Torna! 2
376 mob_40_002130 15 3206 Why are you being so pushy? The capital is at peace, do we really need a big army? 3 375
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#378
mob_40_002131 12 3662 Have you considered joining the army? Join us and take revenge on the brigands who attacked our fine capital! 2
378 mob_40_002130 15 3662 I think I'll pass. I'm no Driver, I'd just wind up dying a fool's death. 3 377
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#380
mob_40_002131 12 3408 Have you considered joining the- 1
380 mob_40_002130 15 3408 Sure, I'll lend you my strength. I want to pitch in to do something for my homeland. 3 379
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#382
mob_40_002206 12 3411 The world's a dangerous place lately... I heard a pack of Gogols almost made it into the city gates! 3
382 mob_40_002207 15 3411 Oh yeah, but Lady Lora drove them off, right? She's pretty amazing... 3 381
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#384
mob_40_002021 12 3412 I heard Tarres the master glassmaker passed away... 2
384 mob_40_002022 15 3412 That's awful... I don't think he ever passed his skills on, so they might be lost to the world forever... 3 383
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#386
mob_40_002021 12 3413 Hey, did you see the glasswork young Charlet made? 2
386 mob_40_002022 15 3413 Indeed. She may not be up to Tarres's level yet, but she's full of potential! 3 385
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#388
mob_40_002190 12 3409 Hey, did you see Sarah's new boyfriend? 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#389
mob_40_002191 15 3409 Oh, yeah! Isn't he just the coolest?! 2 387
389 mob_40_002190 15 3409 ...Seriously? 3 388
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#391
mob_40_002037 12 3414 I haven't seen Mireille around lately. Do you know what she's been up to? 2
391 mob_40_002038 15 3414 Apparently she got back together with her ex-husband. They're starting up a pottery business in Hyber Village. 3 390
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#393
mob_40_002003 12 3415 Me hear Lord Addam organize cooking contest. Was very successful! 2
393 mob_40_002004 15 3415 Me suggest to Chairman we organize even bigger event in Formide Shopping Ward. Sound like big profit opportunity! 3 392
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#395
mob_40_002135 12 3416 Ah, you'll want to ask Jerry about that. You can find him down below. 2
395 mob_40_002137 15 3416 J-Jerry? Are you sure? I guess he has mellowed out a bit lately... 3 394
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#397
mob_40_002200 12 3417 Palva and Dudan were looking awfully pleased with themselves... You don't think they really found a stash of gold? 3
397 mob_40_002201 15 3417 Oh, those two are always like that. I'm sure their mad scheme was a dud, just like usual. 3 396
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#399
mob_40_002200 12 3418 That Palva seems to be doing awfully well for herself lately... 2
399 mob_40_002201 15 3418 Rumor has it she dug up a legendary stash of gold in the Dannagh Desert. I guess dreams really can come true... 3 398
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#401
mob_40_002125 12 3419 That's the palace - Aureus Palace! 2
401 mob_40_002126 15 3419 Wow, it's so...tall! How many floors d'you think it's got? 3 400
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#403
mob_40_002012 5 3419 So tell me...did the Chamber of Commerce Chairman turn out to be a rotter? 2
403 mob_40_002121 7 3419 No, he was just working himself too hard. Looks like he's going to tone it down a little from now on. 3 402
404 mob_40_003094 12 3189 Traveling to Auresco is big pain in bum-bum. If only could take break at Peln on way! 3
405 mob_40_003094 12 3190 Traveling to Auresco much easier these days! Can rest up at Peln before last leg of journey! 3
406 mob_40_003094 12 3191 Me heard it was Lora that chased off nasty Gogols at Peln! Many thanks! 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#408
mob_40_003089 12 3192 It's such a pain trying to work when the lantern’s broken... 2
408 mob_40_003090 15 3192 Yeah, I wish someone would fix that thing up already. 3 407
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#410
mob_40_003089 12 3193 The lantern's back in working order! Ah, it's so much easier to work with a little illumination. 2
410 mob_40_003090 15 3193 Yeah, I heard some guy called Chalcedony organized the repairs. We owe that dude big time! 3 409
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#412
mob_40_003089 12 3194 Did you hear? Apparently it was a Knight of Torna, Lady Lora herself, who fixed up the lanterns! 2
412 mob_40_003090 15 3194 Yeah, it sounds like she's been busy all over the place... 3 411
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#414
mob_40_003050 12 3195 Meh-meh... Cloth merchant Obibi seem down in the dumps lately... 2
414 mob_40_003051 15 3195 Probably because she not popular with Nopon customers. Must be big struggle to make money! 3 413
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#416
mob_40_003050_1 12 3196 This hat so stylish! No wonder it all the rage! 2
416 mob_40_003051_1 15 3196 Obibi seem much happier lately too! 3 415
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#418
mob_40_003050_1 12 3197 Me heard stylish hat was actually idea of recently knighted Lora lady. 2
418 mob_40_003051_1 15 3197 Wowee! Knight and fashion guru... So multi-talented! 3 417
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#420
mob_40_003111 12 3198 That handyman Gio is pretty incredible. He'll take on any task at no charge! 2
420 mob_40_003112 15 3198 Really? Wow. Maybe I'll hit him up next time I need a helping hand. 3 419
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#422
mob_40_003111 12 3199 That handyman, Gio, he's great and all, but he's kind of old hat. It's all about Lady Lora nowadays. 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#423
mob_40_003112 15 3199 And how! She and Lord Addam are always ready to offer a helping hand to anyone in need! 3 421
423 mob_40_003111 15 3199 It can't be easy to help out so many people. I could never do it myself! 3 422
424 mob_40_003160 12 3206 The city of Auresco is always such a peaceful place. 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#426
mob_40_003160 12 3201 I would hate to have to leave this fine city behind... 2
426 mob_40_003161 15 3201 True enough. I only hope we can find safe shelter within the city bounds... 3 425
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#428
mob_40_003160 12 3202 I hear a shelter has been built beneath Spefan Inn! Now we should all be safe. 3
428 mob_40_003161 15 3202 And it's all thanks to Lady Lora! We owe her so much. 3 427
429 mob_40_003127 12 3206 You'd best get those materials delivered posthaste, or you'll be in for an earful from Wayton! 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#431
mob_40_003128 12 3203 Aren't you going to evacuate along with everyone else? 2
431 mob_40_003127 15 3203 Evacuate? Me? Hah! I don't care if every other coward abandons this place, I'm not budging! 3 430
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#433
mob_40_003127 12 3204 I hear young Aquin built a fine Titan vessel! Now we can easily evacuate when things get rough! 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#434
mob_40_003128 15 3204 Uh, weren't you saying you wouldn't budge even if everyone else left? 2 432
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#435
mob_40_003127 15 3204 Well, yes...but Lady Lora and Lord Addam personally supported this effort. Who am I to turn down their goodwill? 2 433
435 mob_40_003128 15 3204 ...Well, I'm glad you came around. 3 434
436 mob_40_003186 12 3206 Why can't we play in the gardens any more? This is no fun... 3
437 mob_40_003186 12 3205 Oh! Lady Lora! Thank you for fixing up the gardens! 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#439
mob_40_003221 12 3206 The view from here is immaculate, don't you think? 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#440
mob_40_003220 15 3206 Sure, but, uh...should you even be here? Don't you have work to do? 2 438
440 mob_40_003221 15 3206 I'll have you know, inspecting the view is a very important part of my job! 3 439
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#442
mob_40_003220 12 3205 It's so wonderful to be able to look out upon this view once again. 2
442 mob_40_003221 15 3205 Indeed - and all thanks to the hard work of Bry and Kaym. 3 441
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#444
mob_40_003192 12 3206 This place is like paradise... 2
444 mob_40_003193 15 3206 That's all down to Bry the gardener. He's a talented one, all right! 3 443
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#446
mob_40_003192 12 3207 This used to be such a beautiful garden... 2
446 mob_40_003193 15 3207 That Aegis has a lot to answer for. 3 445
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#448
mob_40_003192 12 3208 It's so good to see Sachsum Gardens looking beautiful again. 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#449
mob_40_003193 15 3208 Well, with Lady Lora and Lord Addam on the job, it was only a matter of time! 3 447
449 mob_40_003192 15 3208 ...Why do YOU look so proud of THEIR good work? 3 448
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#451
mob_40_003222 12 3209 Remember, stay out of the alleyways. You can run into some real shady Nopon back there. 2
451 mob_40_003134 15 3209 I know! My mum's always telling me to watch out for them. 3 450
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#453
mob_40_003222 12 3210 Those Nopon in the back alleys are hardcore criminals. They throw litter on the streets and stuff! 2
453 mob_40_003134 15 3210 Yeah, my mum told me all about it... I'd be so scared if I ever ran into them! 3 452
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#455
mob_40_003222 12 3424 Hey, I heard nobody's seen those dodgy Nopon in the alleyways lately. 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#456
mob_40_003134 15 3424 Awesome! We can finally go play hide and seek back there! 2 454
456 mob_40_003222 15 3424 W-wow, playing in the back alleys? That sounds so...rebellious! 3 455
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#458
mob_40_003008 12 3206 I love Tornan Trout. It's tasty AND cheap! 2
458 mob_40_003009 15 3206 That's 'cause they breed them so efficiently. I prefer the taste of Amber Sweetfish myself, though. 3 457
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#460
mob_40_003008 12 3211 I heard the farm's whole shoal of Tornan Trout was wiped out in the attack... 2
460 mob_40_003009 15 3211 Oh, how awful... D'you think that means we'll be seeing price hikes? 3 459
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#462
mob_40_003008 12 3212 Thanks to Lady Lora and Lord Addam, the fish farm is up and running again! 2
462 mob_40_003009 15 3212 Well, that's a relief! I thought Tyler's whole business was going to go under. 3 461
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#464
mob_40_003143 12 3213 Terribly sorry, but we're all out of Armus right now. 2
464 mob_40_003049 15 3213 Dear me, that's quite the pickle... 3 463
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#466
mob_40_003143 12 3214 The Armus came back! Young Joey sorted everything out, the fine lad! 2
466 mob_40_003049 15 3214 Well, that's good to hear. I'd never be able to deliver my luggage without them! 3 465
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#468
mob_40_003154 12 3206 Where's Formide Shopping Ward again? I need to buy some accessories... 2
468 mob_40_003155 15 3206 Right behind you, you numpty! Honestly, I swear you could get lost in your own living room... 3 467
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#470
mob_40_003154 12 3203 D'you think we should get out of the capital? I mean, what if the Aegis comes back for more...? 2
470 mob_40_003155 15 3203 Don't worry, I'm sure Lord Addam can handle that nasty Aegis. 3 469
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#472
mob_40_003154 12 3204 Apparently we're all going to be able to evacuate on that Titan ship Aquin built! 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#473
mob_40_003155 15 3204 Well, isn't that nice for you! Not that I'm going anywhere. 2 471
473 mob_40_003154 15 3204 What?! Please, you have to come too! 3 472
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#475
mob_40_003211 12 3195 Me want to be more fashionable! 2
475 mob_40_003210 15 3195 Meh, no use standing round and complain. Best go down to Formide Shopping Ward. 3 474
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#477
mob_40_003211_1 12 3215 This hat is pinnacle of fashion! 2
477 mob_40_003210_1 15 3215 Shop of Obibi seem very popular lately! 3 476
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#479
mob_40_003151 12 3216 You guys...don't you think that's kind of dangerous?! 2
479 mob_40_003150 15 3216 Nah, we'll be fine! Besides, this is the perfect spot for keeping lookout! 3 478
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#481
mob_40_003151 12 3708 Lady Lora! You chased off those Gogols at the main gate, didn't you? 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#482
mob_40_003150 15 3708 I was only watching from a distance, but you looked so...gallant! 2 480
482 mob_40_003151 15 3708 I know, right?! Man, I'd love to become a Driver too someday! 3 481
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#484
mob_40_003151 12 3406 Lady Lora! You're going to defeat that nasty Aegis for us, right?! 2
484 mob_40_003150 15 3406 I hope you know we're all cheering you on! 3 483
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#486
mob_40_003183 12 3206 A Gormotti and an Urayan? That's an unusual pairing if ever I saw one. 2
486 mob_40_003182 15 3206 Ah, the sweet sound of Torigonda music... 3 485
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#488
mob_40_003035 12 3705 It's a great performance to be sure! 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#489
mob_40_003036 15 3705 They're just the coolest! 2 487
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#490
mob_40_003182 15 3705 I'm so glad these guys were around when the Aegis attacked. 2 488
490 mob_40_003183 15 3705 The resounding tones of the Tornan Viella gave us courage when all seemed lost! 3 489
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#492
mob_40_003182 12 3799 Don't you think Leo's been playing his Tornan Viella with a renewed vigour lately? 2
492 mob_40_003183 15 3799 I heard he had a spot of good fortune. 3 491
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#494
mob_40_003182 12 3410 With the addition of Rikoko's flute, these performances have become more remarkable than ever. 2
494 mob_40_003183 15 3410 Yes, that young Nopon really brings a certain...gleeful energy to the mix! 3 493
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#496
mob_40_003158 12 3723 Lady Loraaaa! 2
496 mob_40_003159 15 3723 Sorry about her, Lady Lora. She really looks up to you, you know. 3 495
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#498
mob_40_003158 12 3407 Lady Lora! After you defeat the Aegis, I hope you'll regale us with tales of your gallant efforts! 3
498 mob_40_003159 15 3407 My lieges... Though I am but an old man, I humbly beg of you to protect our future, for this child's sake. 3 497
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#500
mob_40_003147 12 3723 Oh! It's Lady Lora! 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#501
mob_40_003148 15 3723 I see Lord Addam and Lord Hugo, too! 2 499
501 mob_40_003149 15 3723 Me go play with friends! 3 500
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#503
mob_40_003147 12 3407 Are things really going to be OK? Do you think we'll really survive...? 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#504
mob_40_003148 15 3407'll be fine! 2 502
504 mob_40_003149 15 3407 Yes-yes! Friends beat up nasty people like bish-bash-bosh! 3 503
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#506
mob_40_003174 12 3216 Roll up, roll up! Get your steaming-hot buns here! 2
506 mob_40_003174 15 3425 Ah, Lord Addam! Would you care for a taste? 3 505
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#508
mob_40_003174 12 3426 Lady Lora! Would you and your friends care for a bite to eat? 2
508 mob_40_003174 15 3427 Lord Jin, you simply must share one of your famous recipes with me! 3 507
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#510
mob_40_003164 12 3216 Oh, whichever should I buy? Choosing accessories is so hard... 2
510 mob_40_003165 15 3216 How about a Promise Ring? 3 509
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#512
mob_40_003164 12 3723 If only I had stronger accessories, I could've beaten up that Aegis's minions no problem... 2
512 mob_40_003165 15 3723 Um, I don't think accessories make THAT much difference. You'd need stronger weapons and Blades too. 3 511
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#514
mob_40_003164 12 3407 I must equip the very best accessories to keep myself well-protected... 2
514 mob_40_003165 15 3407 Are you sure you want to buy them here, then? It might be better to defeat enemies and get them that way... 3 513
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#516
mob_40_003167 12 3216 Aww, they haven't got any Platinum Shrooms... 2
516 mob_40_003007 15 3216 Those things aren't easy to get hold of. With their divine scent and incredible texture, it's no wonder they're a rarity. 3 515
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#518
mob_40_003167 12 3425 If you're ever in a bind, you're more likely to find good help from Gio or Lora than from the army. 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#519
mob_40_003007 15 3425 They're lifesavers, for sure. But we can't just rely on them for everything! 2 517
519 mob_40_003167 15 3425 True enough. Sometimes you've gotta sort out your own problems! 3 518
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#521
mob_40_003167 12 3406 Hey...what do you think's going to happen to Torna now? 2
521 mob_40_003007 15 3406 It's difficult to say... But I think we should trust in Lord Addam. He'll find a way, I know it. 3 520
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#523
mob_40_003013 6 3216 This inn's so lovely, isn't it? 2
523 mob_40_003055 6 3216 Yes, the atmosphere here is so different from back home. Very relaxing. 3 522
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#525
mob_40_003013 6 3425 D'you reckon we ought to think about heading back home? 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#526
mob_40_003055 6 3425 I doubt we could do that even if we wanted to. All the Titan ships are fully booked lately. 2 524
526 mob_40_003013 6 3425 Wow, that's pretty awkward... 3 525
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#528
mob_40_003013 6 3406 Well, we never did manage to catch a ship back home. But maybe that's for the best. 2
528 mob_40_003055 10 3406 Yeah, I have grown pretty fond of this place. And I'm sure that wonderful prince will sort everything out! 3 527
529 mob_40_003026 12 3206 You need to focus more! 3
530 mob_40_003026 12 3662 At this rate, the Aegis's Artifices will make short work of you! 3
531 mob_40_003026 12 3408 We're going to protect Torna's future with our own hands! 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#533
mob_40_003188 12 3206 Let's go eat some of Café Amicus's famous specialty! 2
533 mob_40_003189 15 3206 Really? I'm not that hungry yet... 3 532
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#535
mob_40_003188 12 3662 We should probably head home soon. 2
535 mob_40_003189 15 3662 I don't want to be in a confined space! It makes me scared those things will come back and I'll be trapped inside! 3 534
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#537
mob_40_003188 12 3408 Now, once Lord Addam and the others start fighting, you run to the inn and hide on the lower level, OK? 2
537 mob_40_003189 15 3408 D'you think it'll hold up? I'm a bit scared... 3 536
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#539
mob_40_003020 12 3206 Haven't you been reading long enough? Let's do something else already! 2
539 mob_40_003019 15 3206 Sure, once I get to the end of the Tale of Blue Barney... 3 538
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#541
mob_40_003020 12 3662 C'mon, cheer up. I know all that ruckus was scary, but we can't let it break our spirits! 3
541 mob_40_003019 15 3662 I'm researching the legend of Elysium. It might hold some hints as to why this place was attacked... 3 540
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#543
mob_40_003020 12 3408 Let's head to Formide Shopping Ward! I heard the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce is giving out free food! 3
543 mob_40_003019 15 3408 Let me finish jotting down all my observations about Lady Lora first... 3 542
544 mob_40_003043 12 3206 Is this the full shipment for today? 3
545 mob_40_003043 12 3662 The damage wasn't too bad around these parts. We were pretty lucky... 3
546 mob_40_003043 12 3408 Gotta make sure we have plenty of supplies to distribute, just in case worst comes to worst... 3
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#548
mob_40_003157 12 3269 Looks like Median Gate is still closed... 2
548 mob_40_003156 15 3269 Guess we'll have to go round through Formide Shopping Ward if we want to reach the palace... 3 547
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#550
mob_40_003131 12 3206 Have you considered joining the army? It's a great honor to fight for Torna! 2
550 mob_40_003130 15 3206 Why are you being so pushy? The capital is at peace, do we really need a big army? 3 549
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#552
mob_40_003131 12 3662 Have you considered joining the army? Join us and take revenge on the brigands who attacked our fine capital! 2
552 mob_40_003130 15 3662 I think I'll pass. I'm no Driver, I'd just wind up dying a fool's death. 3 551
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#554
mob_40_003131 12 3408 Have you considered joining the- 1
554 mob_40_003130 15 3408 Sure, I'll lend you my strength. I want to pitch in to do something for my homeland. 3 553
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#556
mob_40_003206 12 3411 The world's a dangerous place lately... I heard a pack of Gogols almost made it into the city gates! 3
556 mob_40_003207 15 3411 Oh yeah, but Lady Lora drove them off, right? She's pretty amazing... 3 555
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#558
mob_40_003021 12 3412 I heard Tarres the master glassmaker passed away... 2
558 mob_40_003022 15 3412 That's awful... I don't think he ever passed his skills on, so they might be lost to the world forever... 3 557
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#560
mob_40_003021 12 3413 Hey, did you see the glasswork young Charlet made? 2
560 mob_40_003022 15 3413 Indeed. She may not be up to Tarres's level yet, but she's full of potential! 3 559
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#562
mob_40_003190 12 3409 Hey, did you see Sarah's new boyfriend? 2
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#563
mob_40_003191 15 3409 Oh, yeah! Isn't he just the coolest?! 2 561
563 mob_40_003190 15 3409 ...Seriously? 3 562
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#565
mob_40_003037 12 3414 I haven't seen Mireille around lately. Do you know what she's been up to? 2
565 mob_40_003038 15 3414 Apparently she got back together with her ex-husband. They're starting up a pottery business in Hyber Village. 3 564
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#567
mob_40_003003 12 3415 Me hear Lord Addam organize cooking contest. Was very successful! 2
567 mob_40_003004 15 3415 Me suggest to Chairman we organize even bigger event in Formide Shopping Ward. Sound like big profit opportunity! 3 566
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#569
mob_40_003135 12 3416 Ah, you'll want to ask Jerry about that. You can find him down below. 2
569 mob_40_003137 15 3416 J-Jerry? Are you sure? I guess he has mellowed out a bit lately... 3 568
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#571
mob_40_003200 12 3417 Palva and Dudan were looking awfully pleased with themselves... You don't think they really found a stash of gold? 3
571 mob_40_003201 15 3417 Oh, those two are always like that. I'm sure their mad scheme was a dud, just like usual. 3 570
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#573
mob_40_003200 12 3418 That Palva seems to be doing awfully well for herself lately... 2
573 mob_40_003201 15 3418 Rumor has it she dug up a legendary stash of gold in the Dannagh Desert. I guess dreams really can come true... 3 572
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#575
mob_40_003125 12 3419 That's the palace - Aureus Palace! 2
575 mob_40_003126 15 3419 Wow, it's so...tall! How many floors d'you think it's got? 3 574
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#577
mob_40_003012 5 3419 So tell me...did the Chamber of Commerce Chairman turn out to be a rotter? 2
577 mob_40_003121 7 3419 No, he was just working himself too hard. Looks like he's going to tone it down a little from now on. 3 576
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#579
mob_40_201011 12 Did we evacuate the weapon and accessory vendors yet? 3
579 mob_40_201031 15 Yeah. They're both below the inn, safe and sound. 3 578
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#581
mob_40_401023 10 3749 The bridge was finally fixed... 2
581 mob_40_401022 12 3749 Best not to hang about here. Let's make haste for the capital. 3 580
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#583
mob_40_001050_2 12 3196 This hat so stylish! No wonder it all the rage! 2
583 mob_40_001051_2 15 3196 Obibi seem much happier lately too! 3 582
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#585
mob_40_001050_2 12 3197 Me heard stylish hat was actually idea of recently knighted Lora lady. 2
585 mob_40_001051_2 15 3197 Wowee! Knight and fashion guru... So multi-talented! 3 584
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#587
mob_40_002050_2 12 3196 This hat so stylish! No wonder it all the rage! 2
587 mob_40_002051_2 15 3196 Obibi seem much happier lately too! 3 586
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#589
mob_40_002050_2 12 3197 Me heard stylish hat was actually idea of recently knighted Lora lady. 2
589 mob_40_002051_2 15 3197 Wowee! Knight and fashion guru... So multi-talented! 3 588
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#591
mob_40_003050_2 12 3196 This hat so stylish! No wonder it all the rage! 2
591 mob_40_003051_2 15 3196 Obibi seem much happier lately too! 3 590
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#593
mob_40_003050_2 12 3197 Me heard stylish hat was actually idea of recently knighted Lora lady. 2
593 mob_40_003051_2 15 3197 Wowee! Knight and fashion guru... So multi-talented! 3 592
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#595
mob_40_001211_2 12 3215 This hat is pinnacle of fashion! 2
595 mob_40_001210_2 15 3215 Shop of Obibi seem very popular lately! 3 594
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#597
mob_40_002211_2 12 3215 This hat is pinnacle of fashion! 2
597 mob_40_002210_2 15 3215 Shop of Obibi seem very popular lately! 3 596
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#599
mob_40_003211_2 12 3215 This hat is pinnacle of fashion! 2
599 mob_40_003210_2 15 3215 Shop of Obibi seem very popular lately! 3 598
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#601
mob_40_401022 10 3750 We're so lucky we got out of the capital when we did! To think it got attacked... 2
601 mob_40_401023 12 3750 I know exactly what you mean... We need to get back to Aletta. 3 600
1 refs ma40a_FLD_AutoTalk#603
mob_40_401022 10 3408 Should... Should we leave Torna? Is it so bad that we need to abandon Aletta? 2
603 mob_40_401023 12 3408 I don't have all the answers myself... But I trust Lord Addam! I'm certain he'll make everything OK! 3 602